great read about fragging acro's

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got the newest CORAL mag. in there is a great write up on fr agging sps  and acros. to sum up the article they found out that cuttings 1.75 "and bigger when cut out of water 87% survivedcompared to 1" 13% survived
also. when cut in water the bigger was 100% compared to 92%

they found the average growth on a 1.75 an bigger piece is 3" compared to 2" on the 1"piece
to sum it up it says if u want pretty muc 0% death rate on cutting acro frags in or out of the water and want faster growth for them cuttings should be no less than 1.75 inches 1" pieces have a way higher death rate and growth rate is alot slower.

just a little helpful info for all .


I'm going to agree with this.  I have 3 frags from a LFS (won't say which one) that were -barely- 1" frags.  These are ~6months or more in my tank and growth has been almost nothing on them.  There is an acro, birdsnest and green goni of some sort.  Now the frags I got from the frag swap (was that sept or oct? Were all 2" or better, and their growth is notably outpacing the older frags.  In fact, ones I got from Rick a few weeks back already show signs of growth around the base, and some tip growth.  Rick's 1" frags are usually almost 2".  So it seems that the 1.5" barrier seems to really make a big difference. 

Does anyone know if it's better to cut in the water or out?  I have been doing it in the water, but is there an advantage to cutting outside? (the frags hit the air when I put them on plugs anyway...) ???


i would think the type of acro would play a big part. also, deep water, wild, aqua cultured, tank grown from frags...makes a big difference on survival rate. of course, just my opinion  :) :)


Distinguished Member
Jan 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Lynne link said:
i would think the type of acro would play a big part. also, deep water, wild, aqua cultured, tank grown from frags...makes a big difference on survival rate. of course, just my opinion  :) :)

great tip, you would probably know best ;) as we are all hoping that you are not a vendor disguising yourself as community reefer just to get some extra business.


If you're an undercover vendor, teebone will come and kill you.  I swear, besides Phi's anger management problems, teebone's homicidal tendencies are legendary.  The last vendor that messed with him got fed to the big Al's shark tank, and everyone (while impressed) was disgusted. 

I would like to say though, that Zakk is a really nice guy with no alcohol-related problems of any kind. 
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