How Bad Is it?

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Feb 5, 2011
What is the worst case scenario with the copper in the tank? How can I tell before I get the Chemi pure that its taking effect?


Active Member
Nov 30, 2010
Windsor, Ontario
Probably the first inverts will die, snails crabs shrimp etc.  worst case would probably depend on how much stuff breaks down into the water and how fast.


Reef Scavenger
Nov 16, 2010
42.418807, -82.174073
spyd link said:
According to the MSDS it contains tin and copper dust. It is the copper that raises the concern. However, I think Chemipure might be a good idea to run. It will take a long time to breakdown in your tank so I don't think you have to worry too much. Try your best to find it if you can. Unfortunately, there is nothing magnetic in solder. Depending on the tin that they use (white or grey), there may be a slight chance that using a magnet to find it may work, but highly unlikely.

agree 100%,getting alarmed isn't gonna solve it,keep looking when you can and wait it out,i don't think your gonna see a big effect if any at all,saltwater is fairly resilient and a small amount as stated should have little effect,keep looking for it and keep a close eye on all your parameters .

thats how i would deal with it anyways
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