Ozone - Crystal Clear Water!


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Sep 30, 2015
Ozone is a very Interesting molecule. It's made by using using static electricity to break apart oxygen molecules (O2). When the oxygen molecules collide they form o3 which is ozone.

Now ozone is unstable and the O2 wants to get rid of that extra oxygen molecule . When that extra oxygen molecule released it wants to find a new buddy and will bond with the the next thing it finds..which in our case is organics.

When the oxygen molecule attaches to organics it will start to oxidize it and break it down.

A word of caution: I believe small amounts of ozone can be very beneficial if the reef tank.. and to much can cause havoc! As with anything all is well in moderation!!! So do proper research before you dive to deep!

This is the first part of my venture into ozone