Please Help A Newbie Out!


New Member
Mar 29, 2015
Hello everyone, I am new to saltwater. I purchased a nano tank that had been up and running for about a year. The only fish in it was a Fire fish but it had a bunch of crabs,snails cleaner shrimp and a bunch of corals. Everything looks healthy, corals are growing and parameters are stable. My wife and I decided it was time to add some more fish.

We purchased a clown fish from a local shop and he seemed to be doing great. He was sticking to the top areas of the tank but eating like a champ and looking healthy. So we decided to get a partner for him a few days later. The 2 took together and it was adorable watching them swimming and exploring the tank together! Until I got home from work about 6 hours later and they have white spots. Great I got Ich! Only a few spots on the small one about 6 or 7 on the bigger one. So I thew together a hospital tank as fast as I could with what I had and got them out of there. its a small tank with a heater (79º) an air stone, and a few plastic ornaments for them to hide. I filled it with about 2.5 gallons fresh R/O water and had the salinity to 1.015 (the main tank is at 1.025). I had Cupramine laying around so I put 4 or 5 drops in. The spots went away fairly quickly but came back on the big one, as of now i don't see any on the small one.

I'm not sure where to go from here. The fire fish in the big tank looks clean and has no spots. I don't want to treat the big tank because I'm afraid of killing off or harming my invertebrates. Getting the fire fish out of the tank is not really an option. I want to keep treating the 2 little dudes in the hospital tank, but I'm not sure how long they have to stay in there, some of the things I'm reading are saying months! would I be better off going with the API Ich cure instead of the Cupramine? Anyone have luck with either product? Is it normal for Ich to pop up this fast? ( I only had the 1st fish for 2 days and the 2nd fish for about 12 hours). Is this something that has been in the tank and the fire fish has been lucky enough to avoid it or do you think the new fish brought it along with them? Have any of you guys dealt with saltwater ich before. Any advice you guys can give me would be helpful and appreciated.
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Super Active Member
Apr 15, 2014
For Cupramine you are to add 16 drops (1 ml) per 40 L on the first day and wait 48 hours. Then repeat half the first dose (0.05ml) and wait 14 days. If it is not gone after this time you can do a 20% water change and do another half dose. If you do treat the firefish only do it at half strength because they are very sensitive to copper and you will probably kill it. If the fire fish is not showing any signs I would leave him be.


Staff member
Website Admin
Nov 27, 2010
Blenheim, Ontario
Ich will still remain in your nano system though. IIRC, the system needs to be fishless for 6 weeks to kill the cycle of the parasite. Which means ALL fish need to be removed from the main system and let that site like that for 6 weeks. Treat all the fish in the other system. The parasite needs fish to breed and without that, it will just die off. After the period is complete, the qt fish should pretty much be back to normal water due to water changes, then acclimate them back into the nano. The other option is just to let it ride and see what happens. Most healthy fish will just fight off the parasite and all will be fine, however ich may remain unseen in your system.


New Member
Mar 29, 2015
Thanks for the advice everyone. I took a breath and re assessed everything. I think I'm going to finish the treatment I started then add the 2 fish back in to my tank. If the Ich returns I found a reef safe ich treatment that we can use (Ich-X). If that doesn't do the trick back to cupramaine treatment with a six week quarantine. This will also give me time to set up and prepare a proper QT tank. I'll keep you up dated with the results.


Super Active Member
Jan 12, 2012
Thorndale, Ontario
The only legitimate in tank Ich medication (not including using quality foods garlic etc. To beef up the fishes natural immunity) would be the Ich shield medicated pellets from New Life. Other reef safe medications only mask or temporarily treat symptoms.

The medicated pellets contain a quinine derivative developed to treat Malaria in humans which is also caused by parasitic protozoa and makes the hosts body toxic to the parasite.

Obviously it is only effective if all your fish will eat pellets.


New Member
Mar 29, 2015
This food sound to good to be true! It seems to be a little on the costly side, but if it works it would be well worth it.