
  1. shayne horst

    Any ideas -Jebao pumps not working

    I have 2 Jebao RW-4 pumps (one master, one slave) Both were working fine. Then I checked 2 days ago and both pumps were not working. All settings on the control boxes were on and where they should be. I have tried unplugging from the wall, unplugging the pump power cord from the control box...
  2. Aqua Splendor

    Tutorial On Calibrate The Jebao Dosing Pump

    Hi everyone, I created a video instruction/guide for calibrating and setup the Jebao Auto Dosing pump for the ones who consider to buy it or wonder how to. I tried to be on point, no Chit-Chat, hope that help anyone here! ️
  3. Aqua Splendor

    (video) Jebao Auto Dosing Pump Review And Guide

    Hi, I finally did a review of this pump I've been using for the last 2 years. I think this pump still deserve attention even now, for me i never had any issue. I think it's a great pump to introduce to beginners to start with so they can understand how it works without being super expensive.