I tested my water actually took to with me to BA's and had them test it for me and everything was in the acceptable range. I was told. The stag is gone and today I looked and it has jumped to others now Spotty on one and one branch on another. Monti is patchy. I am having a total crash/bug issue. I took all the corals I think I might be able to save and dipped them again and moved them to the new tank. (spreading around the issue) lol
I have a salifert Alk kit and a calcium on back order. did everything last Tuesday when I was in Hamilton.
I did a 25% water change again now I have to decide what to do with the remaining stuff in the nano. I have some Yuma's and 3 anemones in the tank.
Ya my first crash loosing Hundreds of dollars isn't as fun as I thought it would be
I'm going to throw the rock out on the balcony once I get anything left off and then rip it down. Planned on having it as a quarantine or frag tank.
Not sure I want to spend any more money on frags maybe FOWLR is more my speed.