Aefw Seen Around These Parts?


Distinguished Member
Mar 17, 2015
I just did a big water change. I should have tested before. No way of getting a good reading now.


Distinguished Member
Mar 17, 2015
Looks more like tissue necrosis. How fast did it happen

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with in like a day. was fine one day then seems like the next I noticed it and its been about the same since Friday. I have been busy with the new tank and have not been watching this one like a hawk like I used to.


Distinguished Member
Mar 17, 2015
I tested my water actually took to with me to BA's and had them test it for me and everything was in the acceptable range. I was told. The stag is gone and today I looked and it has jumped to others now Spotty on one and one branch on another. Monti is patchy. I am having a total crash/bug issue. I took all the corals I think I might be able to save and dipped them again and moved them to the new tank. (spreading around the issue) lol

I have a salifert Alk kit and a calcium on back order. did everything last Tuesday when I was in Hamilton.

I did a 25% water change again now I have to decide what to do with the remaining stuff in the nano. I have some Yuma's and 3 anemones in the tank.

Ya my first crash loosing Hundreds of dollars isn't as fun as I thought it would be :(

I'm going to throw the rock out on the balcony once I get anything left off and then rip it down. Planned on having it as a quarantine or frag tank.

Not sure I want to spend any more money on frags maybe FOWLR is more my speed.


Distinguished Member
Mar 17, 2015
I Guess I need a master kit. If I pick up a magnesium one I'll have everyone. I figured the 25% water changes would look after most if not all the chemistry issue I could possible have


Active Member
Jan 2, 2014
Port Rowan, Ontario
It is funny how some corals are affected in one tank and not in another.
Around the Brantford frag fest time I got my first SPS ( only had softies and LPS until then ).
I guess I got lucky as soon afterwards I noticed some not doing to good, and ya I thought things were good in my tank, reg water changes ect. But......i was dosing blindly. My very knowledgeable mentor had me run a full battery of test and most things were good but my mag was around 2100 and my Alk was around 6-7 Dkh! Thanks to his help, he helped me SLOWLY get things right without stressing the corals any further! ALL corals were saved except my trachy. I think I got pretty lucky! ( with both getting his help and saving my corals ) and my new belief is.....never try and fix an out of whack system in an hour, you will just do more damage.
I hope you are able to get things looked after with minimal losses @Nonuser I know it can suck to see all that money and beautiful corals circling the drain.
Keep us posted bud!


Distinguished Member
May 4, 2014
Cambridge, Ontario
Rule number one with reefing test.test.and test again. Dont ever assume test first and test after. Something seems weird about results re-test..... but you need the test kits to do it ;)


Distinguished Member
Mar 17, 2015
I thought someone was selling a super duper new fangled test type system that would do everything accept brush your teeth. anyone have a review on it?