2 Part Dosing


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Nov 26, 2016
I about to start to 2 part dosing for alkalinity and calcium. I'm using ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System. I have done a fare amount of research on it and from the information that I have read tells me to dose when PH is at it's lowest which would be early morning in my case since my light schedual turns the lights off at 11pm and not back on until 9 am. I'm thinking that dosing at 5 am with the alkalin part and 5:30 for the calcium part. Is 30 minutes between the 2 doses enough time between the doses so the won't interfer with each other? Is the timimng of the dosing correct or should I have it closer to the time the lights come on?


Staff member
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Nov 27, 2010
Blenheim, Ontario
That is one way to do it and would work. There is other way to break it up evenly throughout the day. You would normally break it up if you are doing larger doses. As an example, I do 100 ml total alk over 24 doses a day.


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Nov 26, 2016
I'm not dosing near that much, only 20 ml a day to start but could without a problem spilt that up into 4, 5, or even 20 times a day. If that is the better way to go then that is what I want to do. I also want to make sure I'm setup for the future when the amounts are sure to go up. If doing it more times a day then in the future would it not make the tank mire consistant throughout the 24 hour period? Smaller amounts put in at multiple times a day "should" make it more consistant? Just trying to do the best that I can for the corals I gave now and in the future. Also it would be very easy to up the dosage as needed?