"discussion With Wife" = New Tank. Advice

reef keeper

Super Active Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hamilton, Ontario
so apparently I'm going to be stuck in this house for at least 2 more years and am tired of fighting the dimensions of my 150. The 18" really drives me insane.

I kinda told her that if I was going to be stuck dealing with this for a year then fine. 2-3 years? No dice.

So.... Do I look for a 180 and have one of you come over and drill it? Or would you go to 220? It's 30" tall which is a bit deep. I'll need to do a new stand regardless but was thinking of an aluminum one (we do aluminum fab so it would be cheaper and easier to move downstairs)

Or I can just build another one out of 2x6.

I have all the equipment to handle the bigger tank.

I need to get it down the basement stairs.

What size would you all recommend

reef keeper

Super Active Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hamilton, Ontario
Ok so let's say 180. That gives me less depth more width.

Would you get an Undrilled one and put a bean animal on the back? Or get a standard corner overflow with dursos?

If a bean then who wants to come over and drill it lol


Website Affiliate
Feb 8, 2013
Toronto, Ontario
30" plus sand bed... Not that bad to work with :)

Besides, how often will you be putting stuff on the very bottom back (diagonal being the longest distance) I love the 30" tall I have. Easy to stack rocks, lots of room for growing colonies.

But mostly... Get whatever is going to be most useful when you do move. Make a nice display fuge, or huge sump...


Nov 16, 2014
Ayr, Ontario
I had a 32" deep in wall and cursed it all the time. Long as your tank is accessible from a couple sides, all good.
Depth gives room for building up and building overhangs or caves. Always a bonus. Not to mention the number of Zoas that prefer the darker depths.


Super Active Member
Jan 12, 2012
Thorndale, Ontario
Personally I'd be wondering if Spyd's custom180 is going to be on the market soon......just saying...

I love the dimensions of my 180 and my 200gal acrylic is basically the same jut a little bigger each dimension....

IMO deeper looks showy for a fish tank but means thicker glass/acrylic therefore less clarity, and if you plan on keeping any fish that would appreciate the greater depth (Pinniatus Batfish anyone?) You'll need to go much larger on the other dimensions....


Distinguished Member
May 22, 2013
London, Ontario
speaking from experience of having a 180 AND a 220, the choice is marginal.

The extra height is nice, but it is a pain if something falls (tongs quickly remedy that though) vs. not having the extra 40 gallons of water volume and not getting to say your tank is over 200 gallons. (it sounds more bad ass than 180)

If I were you, and if you had the extra space, I would look at a 300 deep dimension tank. 72x36x24. The extra foot front to back sounds amazing. I am HIGHLY considering an upgrade. I would love the extra depth for aquascaping vs the 6" in height. It would also motivate me to get a new stand and canopy which I have wanted to get for some time now.


Super Active Member
Jun 7, 2012
Innerkip, Ontario
If I were you, and if you had the extra space, I would look at a 300 deep dimension tank. 72x36x24. The extra foot front to back sounds amazing. I am HIGHLY considering an upgrade. I would love the extra depth for aquascaping vs the 6" in height. It would also motivate me to get a new stand and canopy which I have wanted to get for some time now.
That's the size I wanted for my seahorses! Can you imagine how many I could fit in there? :D I could have a big ranch, LOL. But I couldn't fit it down the stairs.:(

reef keeper

Super Active Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hamilton, Ontario
Omg a 300. Mmmmmmmm. I love that tank. They have one at canada corals. It's insane

How much are these? I found a 220 used for 375 reef ready.....
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