Dyi Filter Socks

Tim A

Saw this on another Forum and thought it was cool. I didnt see it posted here at all. But if interested here it is.

A few people have asked me how I make my filter socks so I figure I'd post a thread in case this can be helpful to others. All you need is a sewing machine, very basic sewing skills and about 30-45 minutes every 2 months. I buy my polyester felt from JoAnn Fabric for about $2.50/yard (usually $5 but they have online coupons every month or so for 50% off). One yard of material will give me 15 12" socks which comes out to around .16 cents a piece. Old ones just get tossed and no need for washing and drying, etc. Changing them out twice a week these will last you almost 2 months.

The key to making these easy to use and change is the ring which you only need to make once. When it comes time to change socks, you just pull out the ring and thread it in to the new sock through the upper slot and you are done….30 seconds tops.

Below are the steps with photos.

1) Cut fabric in to 12" strips


2) Cut strips every 13"


3) Using the default straight stitch, fold a 1/2" flap and sew across leaving both ends open. This will be the slot that receives the ring. Doesn't have to be perfect as long as it stays wide enough that the ring can pass through.


4) Fold the fabric in half. Using the same stitch (or tighter one) close up the sock. Doesn't have to be perfect.


5) Trim the edges around stitching and cut off any long threads (not necessary).


6) Using a torch, bbq lighter, stove or hair dryer, heat up some 3/16 rigid tubing and form it around the neck of a 4" filter sock. You can leave a gap like I have or have it overlap…might be easier with the gap. I also found that if you cut one end at an angle it makes it easier to thread it through the sock.


7) Thread the ring through the slot you sewed at the top of the sock.


8) Done. Hope you can find this useful



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Hmmmm I think it's time to pull out the sewing machine. Looks easy and definately a savings.

Tim A

yeah, i definitely want to try it; it looks easy enough lol. I am not sure of the micron level of the poly but at about 20 cents a piece i can afford to change it more often


Active Member
Thank you Tim A for this post.

A few weeks back my wife and I went to a big fabric sale and got a pile of filter material ( reg weight polyester felt filter, heavy weight polyester felt and 200 micron polyester mesh )
We, and by we I mean my wife LOL have just completed making up the filter socks.
The socks worked out cost wise to be;

Mesh = 35 cents each for about 30.
Reg polyester felt = $1 each for 12.
Heavy polyester felt = 70 cents each for 12
I bought 12- 1/4" × 12" acrylic rods for about $10 to make the rings. Which i made up real easy in about 15 mins.

I am super impressed with the results and can't believe it took me this long to do!

Thanks again to both Tim A and my wife for helping me save some money on filters that I can now put towards corals!!!
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