Green horn fragger

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So tonight I had my first frag experience. I glued some plate coral to rocks and I managed to take a small leather a have on a ceramic disk. It came from corbrets (impulse buy) and naturally the disk developed a little bit of cyano and a aiptasia growing out of it. So I got the leather out of the disk and glued it to a rock. I rearranged a bit and did a water change all at the same time. So quite a bit of action tonight for my small 20g reef. Lets hope tomorrow everything is doing well and nothing is dying or dead. I used gel super glue which I've been advised wont kill my fish. Anyway any positive encouragement would be appreciated and ill post some pics of my success...or failure in a few days.


Super Active Member
I remember the first time i glued my first frags.  I was pretty excited and nervous.
wait until you grow something out and get to cut new frags.  thats even more exciting.  you will love it.


Super Active Member
if you can get it for $1200 (which i dont think you will) I would jump all over it.  The two mp40s taxes in are worth that alone.


The price and everything has been worked out and a solution for the livestock has been found. Hopefully going to pick it up this Friday or next


Distinguished Member
I just bought a tank from far away as well. I transported the livestock in coolers and totes. They had a bacterial infection that wasn't a big deal but that combined with the stress of moving killed almost all of them


The issue we encountered wasn't distance but an international border crossing where the Canadian guards can sometimes be power trippers. So as of right now it's a gamble and we have our fingers crossed.
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