Hydrogen Peroxide To Kill Algae


As some of you will remember, my son's tank (32G biocube), was sabotaged by someone jealous deliberately pouring bleach into his tank in August. Despite incredible effort with all husbandry, carbon, GFO, hand removal, light reduction, etc. we could not get the algae under control.

You may also recall that I asked on TFT of your experiences with hydrogen peroxide dosing. I did not get very many responses, and no clarity re procedure.

Anyway, out of desperation, tonight my son and I soaked a couple of his rocks that were covered with algae(after careful coral removal), in 25% hydrogen peroxide and 75% salt water prepared the same way we would prepare it for a tank change, for 30 minutes, and voila!! We did two of our larger rocks tonight and after 30 minutes the algae was dead and what did not fall off could be easily removed by hand:) We are going to do the same with the balance of the live rock in the next week or so.

I thought I would share this information in case anyone else is interested in trying this method of algae elimination.


Pretty sure I remember responding and seeing a few other responses in regards to your post stating that is supposed to be dosed at 1ml per 10 gallons of tank volume 3% h202. At the concentration of h202 you describe using I'd probably guess that you may have very well killed most of the beneficial bacteria along with the hair algae. I hope not but I guess time will tell.


Applied 6 mls directly to some of the algae in the tank with a syringe and it did nothing, so we thought we would try something else.


This is a hobby of patience. Dosing doesn't kill stuff instantaneously but kills it off slowly and allows your system to absorb it at a rate it can handle. Anything I've seen in this hobby that gives instant results is usually followed up by dire consequences. Best of luck.


The purpose of my post was to report on what happened with our tank as a result of doing this dip. We will be watching it closely, testing it, and reporting for the benefit of anyone who may be interested.