Kenya tree not looking good.

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Shriveled up, tips are greyish brown. It isn't mushy yet, but it doesn't look good. About 4 days ago it shed some sort of mucus, which I read is normal, but also read it is supposed to snap back to normal after. What should I be looking for to tell if it's going to come back or not. Every other coral is flourishing in the tank. Only coral I have killed so far is Xenia.


Active Member
They are pretty hardy, mine did something similar then it popped back and was bigger.

Your water testing good?


Man something is nipping at it or another coral stinging it?  How close is it to other corals?


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Tank Inhabitants

Red leg hermits
Diamondback goby
Variety of snails (all small)
3 blue green chromis

Water tests have been fine. Will get readings again tonight

Salty Cracker

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My guess would be chemical warfare from another coral,  as stated leathers are pretty hardy.  One suggestion would be a rapa rapa snail.  They host in leathers sometimes for years eating them from the inside out.  When they emerge they usually kill the host. 

Hopefully yours is just going through a phase.  If it doesn't make it, I would suggest keeping away from leathers all together, they can be pretty hard on a reef tank, and they grow so damn big. 


Distinguished Member
It should be fine, leathers usually go through this process after shedding.

I would just leave things  and it will probably start looking better in a day or 2


I would suggest keeping away from leathers all together, they can be pretty hard on a reef tank, and they grow so damn big.  [/quote]

+1 i have pom pom xenia that i cant get ride of and my waving hand has to be cut down every couple weeks
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