My 65g DT overhaul



I have decided to totally redo my DT using all new LR.  I plan on moving my current LR into the sump while the new LR seeds.  I have also finally determined what corals I would like to collect, I can't believe its taken me this long to decide., gone will be the days of impulse coral buys and random tank placements hoping the specimen survives, lol ya right! new aquascape is going to consist of two LR pillars approx 8" in diameter and of two different heights 10" and 14" (its going to look like the old Trade Towers, hopefully these dont collapse!)  The interesting thing will be how I build the pillars.  Im going to take two 8"dia. sonotubes and cut them to my desired in tank heights.  Then Im going to buy new Key Largo quarried rock and break it down into small manageable pieces then place and stack them inside the sonotubes (is this too much work? meh maybe, but I think it will be fun).

I have not yet decided what kind of adhesive Im going to use to secure all the LR together and am looking for some input on this( silicone? concrete?). 

Once all the stacking is complete Im hoping to cut away the sonotube and have a nice LR pillar.  Sound easy? lol hope so

This is my starting point and I will post pics of my progress :)

phi delt reefer

thanks guys... and in true Fragtank fashion we mucked up Copper's thread.