my acro colony's flesh is copletly gone?

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okay very odd a acro colony that ive had for 4 months has been growing and doing good today after work looked in my tank and there is 1 arm with flesh left all the other flesh from all arms and base have been completly stripped in 8 hours wtf. dont n the name of acro but light blue with green polyps anyone know what can cause this this quick....i was thinking chemical warfare it was near a red planet, a green monticap, and a bonsai or i was thinking lps considering my tank is a mixed reef maybe ???? any help


Crab, stuck powerhead or yeah, chemical warfare. 

I remember watching a pistol shrimp lawnmower a bunch of zoas. I couldn't figure out what was happening to them, then late at night I saw the little bugger. 


Super Active Member
Its not from stinging from other corals unless they are touching......which I still would doubt the whole colony would loss the would have to be smothered by a  high powered LPS.

So...welcome to your first experience with RTN (rapid tissue necrosis).  This can be caused by poor or unstable water parameters usually.  Sometimes it can happen on a newly acquired acro for no apparent reason, even if it's been in your system for months.  I find the chance of this happening much higher with wild and mari-cultured pieces.  My record on long term survival for wild and mari-cultured acros is probably between 50 and 75%....


Active Member
8 hours - man, they aint kiddin when they say rapid.  Brutal James - you have a lot of nice SPS already.


ya nothing was touching it . i was thinking  something with my parms but everything else is looking good. i had just dosed some kent calcium to the pwerhead which has direct flow on it. other than that was thinking my finger leather had just shed  and when he sheds its alot...fuck i dunno going to do a water change and test parms...fn sucks also had seen last night a group of hairy brisstle worms at least 6 to 8 inches big enough where i could see hair on their spikes scared the shit outta me lol


still gotta test parms tonight and do w.c. im at work right now but wife called and said that the sps that pretty much died ,i moved it from where it was at and put another small frag in its place and she said that the exact thing has happened tday to the new frag and its excattly in the same plaxe as the one im guessing its gotta have something to do with that spot..or is that conceidence.god damnnb


Super Active Member
Sorry to say this but when one acro RTN's its not uncommon for others to do the same.  Usually this is a sign that there is a reason it happened.  Especially if these are long time established corals.

Sometimes it is an isolated incident with no apparent reason, but if that is the case it usually involves a somewhat new acro (with in the last few months).

You need to test and double check all your parameters and think of anything that might have ticked your SPS off.


Reef Scavenger
Darryl_V link said:
Sorry to say this but when one acro RTN's its not uncommon for others to do the same.  Usually this is a sign that there is a reason it happened.  Especially if these are long time established corals.

Sometimes it is an isolated incident with no apparent reason, but if that is the case it usually involves a somewhat new acro (with in the last few months).

You need to test and double check all your parameters and think of anything that might have ticked your SPS off.

just curious,is it possible some kind of pest might of carried something in?


Super Active Member
no pest can cause the tissue to just peel off.  Do some research into RTN or STN.

Just a tip but if you see anymore acros doing this sometimes you can take a frag and it may survive...just make sure to cut a little way into the good part.


Wow, that is brutal.

I had that with a green granulosa, I had left a powerhead pointed at it, and not cycling, and it shredded it like that.  Maybe it's a calcium addict and jut OD'd :)


okay so i think i found the cause of my rtn..i read.a post in another forum f amazing sps tanks.....seen u too darryl..and thr cause seems to be that i had not been using gfo for 3-4 months and i just got some and ramped it up to almost 2 cups right away..and i guess that when using gfo with  sps that havnt been used to it yet rtn can happen alot..jys a luttle tid bit from sunnyx and the other guys on that forum


Ahhh, slow and steady.  I use maybe 3/4 cup on my 125, and I started with maybe half a cup, got a lot of warnings about dropping levels too quick.  In fact I think I read something similar translated from a german website, about how it's great stuff once it gets going but too much can drastically change water parameters too quick.

However, on the plus side, it does seem like it was doing something.  :eek:


Super Active Member
i just had a stag frag go thru this.  im hoping its just because i handled it too much after my mexicans turbos kept knocking it down.  i may have stressed it too much.
will be testing all params tomorrow.  gotta wait for the wife to tell me what colours match up on the cards....dam this being colourblind.
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