Nuvo 38


New Member
Has any ever drilled a nuvo38? I'm tired of the aio and want to put in sump.
I'm nervous because I've never drilled a tank or ran a sump.


Staff member
Website Admin
I have never drilled a nuvo38. But I have drilled several dozen tanks from 10's all the way up to my 120. My first suggestion is to find out if the tank can even be drilled. I would contact the manufacture of the tank to see if the glass is tempered or not. If it is tempered, then that is the end of the story for drilling. You would need a HOB overflow. If it is not tempered, then you can drill it. I would suggest watching a few videos on it or find someone local to you who can do it. Not sure who would be available local to you, I am between London and Windsor.


New Member
I tried contacting the manufacturer and they won't confirm or deny if it tempered, which is totally annoying.


Staff member
Website Admin
Oh my. That is ridiculous and not a chance to take. There are ways that people try, but never 100%. I would look into a good HOB then.


Distinguished Member
is it acrylic or glass? very few small tanks are tempered unless custom built but bottom panes usually are tempered 90% the time. when in doubt go hob ive had zero issues in over 2 years and saves crying when the tank goes "CRACK"


New Member
Glass. Another stupid couple questions from a noob. If I did crack a pane of glass how easy would it be to fix?
Is there no way to check if glass is tempered?

To be honest HOB scare the crap out of me


Super Active Member
There is way to check, just look it up on youtube. It's easier to see than for me to try to explain!Most people say use polarized sunglasses. I used a pair of 3d glasses from the movie theatre. To make sure you're doing the test correctly, try testing something you know is tempered (ie tv stand door).

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