ro/di filters

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I came across another ro/di unit. my last purchase at brs i got all replacement filters including a ro membrane(good deal on it too) my thoughts are to take the ro cartridge of the unit i bought and plumb it into the waste water of my current ro membrane and filter the waste water. basically the way i see it is that it will double my production and cut waste in half.
I'm sure someone here has done that or knows of someone that has. just wondering if there are any draw backs to doing this(filter wise, which i doubt) and if there is any way that i can utilize my other 3 filter chambers?


all i have on the end of my ro/di unit i am using now is a small needle valve to control waste water flow. I was thinking that i would remove that, pipe straight into my new membrane and put the needle valve on the second membrane waste water line. not even sure if i have a flow restrictor. how would i plumb this together if my thoughts are not correct and what else would i need.


Super Active Member
you would need a way to get the filtered good water from both filters to you DI resin.

i had the brs upgrade kit.. same principle.


so it looks like i just tee up the water out of the ro filters to the di and put a flow restrictor or valve on the end of second waste water


nitro069 link said:
so it looks like i just tee up the water out of the ro filters to the di and put a flow restrictor or valve on the end of second waste water

Depending on the membranes that you are using you may also have to increase the PSI going into the unit just to get the efficiency you are looking for
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