Six line wrasse attacking

Anyone have any issues with their six line wrasse becoming really aggressive?

Mine seems to be attacking my clown fish and trying to get into my Duncan coral, also trying to get into the area where the one clown is hiding

Everything was fine, it's been in my tank for over two months now and nothing has happened till now?

Any ideas?


Active Member
Re: Six line wrasse attacking

I have a Mccoskeri Wrasse and all I can say is that he is the biggest ass in my tank. He chases every single inhabitant and will steal food from everything from corals to my foxface! Fearless little crappers!!!


Super Active Member
Mine killed an Anthias then killed a tonozuka wrasse then took a run at another fish that dodged, sixline hit the light then the floor...stone dead...I didn't even need to step on him....

Reef Hero

Super Active Member
The six line wrasse has a long history of being a very aggressive fish..... Not sure why you are so surprised actually.... Do a little research and this is a common issue. One of the most passive wrasses us known to be a melanrus or pink streak.... The mystery wrasse is actually my fave but again, do your research.... It kills me to see so many ppl buying fish and then asking questions later.....

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I agree, Just because it's small and very colourful doesn't mean it's a great fish, I think they're mean and are very territorial as well. I've had one until it jumped. And won't bother again. Have fun getting him out of your tank cause they are fast suckers.


New Member
I have had a 6 line in my 34G Red Sea Max for about 5 months now, he/she gets on well with my Tomini tang, Algae Blennie and my 2 Darwin Clowns. The only issue I had was when I tried to introduce a Dottyback into the tank, the 6 Line took an instant dislike right away and I had to remove the Dottyback before it got killed.  The 6 Line and my Tomini are the same size (2 inches) and constantly swim together!


Super Active Member
I had one for a long time.  It killed a few fish.  I was happy when it jumped ship and I found it on the floor.  They are impossible to catch in a tank too.


i had a bicolor dottyback quite the little SOB. still in my sump a year later after catching him, i pulled out the rock he was living in and shook him out of the crevice onto the floor, cant say i treat him that well down there lol. i google every fish i even consider buying well im in the store on my phone, live aquaria decides for me