Stand Leveling


Nov 16, 2014
Ayr, Ontario
Whats the best product to put under the one corner of my tank stand?
2 inch square tube, 6 leg stand for a 180gal tank. (Bottom of tubes has a plate welded on it)
Putting the tank on vinyl over cement (basement floor)

The tank sits level on the stand, but due to unlevel cement will rock if you push on the corner of the stand.

Last job before filling the tank....

Damn, its snowing here....


Nov 16, 2014
Ayr, Ontario
That's a steel stand? Yu could weld some nuts or thread some steel plates on bottoms and have bolts where yu turn them with a wrench to have it perfect level at all times
This would have been the answer when originally building the tank stand for sure.

I have plywood between the stand and the tank as it does have the plastic trim at the bottom.
Was thinking composite to avoid compression.

Been looking at this empty tank for way too long now.

Will check HD to see if they have as I need to look for new cabinet hardware (hinges) as well.