Sunset monti

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Salty Cracker

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Hey, anyone else have sunset monti?  I've had some for a while now, that was a uniform light pink with green polyps, which recently changed to more of a multi-coloured mess.  I googled it and found this:
sunset montipora

I'm windering if that is just a totally different sunset monti, or if anyone else has anything like that?  I kinda thought it was dying off until I saw this, now I'm thinking I'm in for a treat.  ??


Id say you have the "regular" Sunset Monti, the one in the video is amazing though, I grow and sell this piece all the time and have never had purple anywhere in it, but I sure would like to !

Give it a month and it will be all happy again

Salty Cracker

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Hayes link said:
Id say you have the \"regular\" Sunset Monti, the one in the video is amazing though, I grow and sell this piece all the time and have never had purple anywhere in it, but I sure would like to !

Give it a month and it will be all happy again

Put me down for a piece of yours.  I'm not going to be happy with just pink now :)


It should have a bright tangerine orange base with glowing  green polyp, if you have not had  it long it may still be adjusting or not liking the led's..if it came from a tank with halides or T5.


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chuckm link said:
It should have a bright tangerine orange base with glowing  green polyp, if you have not had  it long it may still be adjusting or not liking the led's..if it came from a tank with halides or T5.

+1. Mine has gone a little more muted on the main frag but all the growth coming off the plug and onto the rock is very bright. I don't think it likes too high of light. The frags I was growing on the sand bed had more colour than my main piece up higher.

Salty Cracker

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chuckm link said:
It should have a bright tangerine orange base with glowing  green polyp, if you have not had  it long it may still be adjusting or not liking the led's..if it came from a tank with halides or T5.

I -think- it may be from you, from the first frag swap.  I was always quite pleased with it. It went pale with the new lights, but still alive so we'll see.  But man that one in the video is unreal! 


Distinguished Member
I have the same Sunset monti that you would have from chuck's tank. It is vibrant/tangerine orange with bright green polyps. I find it requires direct light about half way up in my tank. It took me a while to find a sweet spot for it. definitely doesnt like shade

Salty Cracker

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Well it's hard to tell, but it kind of looks like the parts that are facing the new fixture is looking really good, the part facing forward...not so good.  I'll see if it turns around now that everything is rebounding, and I'm toying with adding UV bulbs to the RB strip that runs along the front of the tank. 

Still, I want one like in the video dammit.

Salty Cracker

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teebone110 link said:
that monti in the vid looks cool 8)

i think its been significantly enhanced

Could be, although the shot at the end...looks more like our monti pieces....

I grabbed some reversed or confused superman from bigshow.  Insane colour under whites AND under the royal blues.  Could be a stunner if I don't eff it up :)

Salty Cracker

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Monti grows like bloody weeds in my tank, I almost didn't get it because I have to cut back to much (monti is exceptionally aggressive when it discovers a neighboring coral).  I can almost guarantee I'll have some of it before too long, it was a decent piece he gave me. 

That little green fuzzy fella you gave me finally started to take off.  Took a little bit but now twice the size. Seems like you had better luck with the meteor shower than I did.  It really did take me forever to find a spot that it thrived in, and I finally had to make a transition out of putty for it to spread to other rocks.  I'm doing that much more often now. 

**edit, added monti pic.  Sorry blurry.  I'm going to putty up to the top edge tomorrow and see if I can spur the growth.  Look at the colour in that thing.


Super Active Member
i was looking at that peice when i was at his house.  i really wanted it, but couldnt bring myself to kill something so nice.

Salty Cracker

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davesolo29 link said:
i was looking at that peice when i was at his house.  i really wanted it, but couldnt bring myself to kill something so nice.

don't jinx me!!  :)


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davesolo29 link said:
i was looking at that peice when i was at his house.  i really wanted it, but couldnt bring myself to kill something so nice.

"Dave's a killer!!!"

"...Dave's a mess"
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