

New Member
Im pretty sure this is an urchin. Its a strange creature my wife calls spike-or. He will sit in one spot for days then creep  slowly around.. whats really cool is he will somehow stick to glass and climb to the top. He seems harmless except he plowed over a coral and broke it off. Wondering what they eat and if they can harm anything?


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Pencil urchin.


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New Member
Thx unibob.. interesting article states can be distructive to corals.. ya for sure as it plowed one over in my tank... also says they dont do well with high nitrates.. my nitrates are through the roof but my urchin seems to be doing fine


Distinguished Member
mig link said:
Thx unibob.. interesting article states can be distructive to corals.. ya for sure as it plowed one over in my tank... also says they dont do well with high nitrates.. my nitrates are through the roof but my urchin seems to be doing fine

Doing fine and surviving are two completely different things. Everything looks like they are "doing fine" until it suddenly dies and the owners are like "but it lived for like 4 months in my tank" when in reality it was simply holding on and surviving for 4 months. Nitrates are high? Get a pellet reactor.