What Is Wrong With My Blue Tangs Face


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Super Active Member
Hard to tell from the pic but could definitely be HLLE. I had issues in my 120 with HLLE that affected a tang, cherub angel, and then a regal angel. My best guess was stray voltage that had been in the system for quite some time that I didn't realize was there. IME there is not much you can do, other than make sure your water quality is very good, consider removing carbon, find a source of stray voltage if it exists, and feed a more varied diet with dietary supplements (i.e. selcon or something similar). That still might not be enough, as HLLE is a bit of a mystery. You might be able to stop the progression, but a full reversal of symptoms is likely going to prove difficult.


Distinguished Member
has he been netted recently if so it maybe like rug burn..... blue tangs are one of the most prone to skin infections. its a challenge keeping them perfect long term.