SOLD White Tail Bristletooth Tang


New Member
Jul 3, 2014
Guelph, Ontario
I've decided to make my reef tank much smaller and go down to a nano and as such unfortunately need to rehome my tang as it wouldn't be fair to keep him in the nano system. Purchased it a little over a year ago at Big Al's Kitchener for $350 plus taxes, hoping to get $300 for him. Eats great, no health concerns, torn fins, or ich! Awesome species you don't see very often in the hobby! Care is identical to other bristletooth tang species and gets the same size as a Kole tang. He is currently just shy of 5" including tail, so almost fully grown. I would consider trades for high end reefing equipment, such as Ecotech products (Vortech, Versa, Vectra) or Neptune products (Dos, Cor, EB832 powerbar) Not interested in trades for coral or other livestock at the moment.

*Please note these two pictures aren't my fish but are very accurate representations of this species, I imagine most of you can appreciate how difficult it is to get a good quality picture of very active fish and as such opted for two quality pics off Google!*