Let's Talk People!!!


Apr 26, 2014
Brantford, Ontario
Let's talk.... What's new in you system it could be anything I would like to hear about it my story is I just got a Harlequin shrimp and almost immediately all the star fish are up on the glass lol BUT enough about me let's talk about you guy/gals!!!!!


Active Member
Mar 19, 2013
London, Ontario
My 40 breeder is now ready for coral stocking. Been running for 8 months as a fish only as I wanted to be patient this time around. New skimmer last week and going to be pradomantly sps just a pile of rocks now



Distinguished Member
Oct 2, 2012
Woodstock, Ontario
My 40 breeder is now ready for coral stocking. Been running for 8 months as a fish only as I wanted to be patient this time around. New skimmer last week and going to be pradomantly sps just a pile of rocks now

but, its a nice pile of rock...
the only thing new with my tanks is that my lights on the big tank are going, ugh....


Super Active Member
Jun 7, 2012
Innerkip, Ontario
I haven't done anything new with my tanks lately. I still have about 70 beautiful (getting bigger) juvenile seahorses for sale that take all of my time and energy at the moment, LOL. Summer for me is a time to continue renovating my house so I have been doing a lot of that. In the winter I start getting the itch to add more corals so who knows what I'll do next. I have a few colorful leathers on my wishlist that I will pick up if I see them though! My system seems to be doing best with leathers so I might as well go with it, LOL
These are a few of the ones I have been looking for:
Some kind of Pink Finger coral
Red Chili Coral

Weeping willow Leather

Pink Mushroom Leather

Green Polyp Toadstool Leather

The sea apple that I added last seems to be doing very well but they tell me that I need to have it for over a year before I really know if it is viable in my system. (8 months and counting :) )


Website Doctor
Staff member
Website Admin
Jun 9, 2014
I got issues with my DIY Led setup. And my apex has lost comms with the network in the house so i need to figure that out, or else my apex is a glorified heat controller. :)

I have three led drivers running 32 leds each.. one fo them is slowly dimming down to minimum with out being told to do so.
Looks like I am going to have to buy another driver cause my tank end ups yellow on one side and normal on the other :)

When I built my bar i set my router on a shelf in a cabinet... i think it interferes with the apex connection, or else the wireless adapter i have on the apex is pooched.

I have a ton of green and orange and purple monticap that i have to purge as its overgrowing the rest of the area... 15+ inches around etc. Any interest :)


Super Active Member
Aug 16, 2012
Just got 5 sexy shrimps, can only find 3 but i'm pretty sure the other 2 are hanging out in my frogspawn.


Apr 26, 2014
Brantford, Ontario
I got issues with my DIY Led setup. And my apex has lost comms with the network in the house so i need to figure that out, or else my apex is a glorified heat controller. :)

I have three led drivers running 32 leds each.. one fo them is slowly dimming down to minimum with out being told to do so.
Looks like I am going to have to buy another driver cause my tank end ups yellow on one side and normal on the other :)

When I built my bar i set my router on a shelf in a cabinet... i think it interferes with the apex connection, or else the wireless adapter i have on the apex is pooched.

I have a ton of green and orange and purple monticap that i have to purge as its overgrowing the rest of the area... 15+ inches around etc. Any interest :)
I'm also fighting with my DIY kit I have corrosion on two LEDs and it shorted out my power box I need a fuse plié replace two bulbs


New Member
May 17, 2015
Found the yashia and the Randall shrimp I was looking for. Picked up a skunk cleaner. Added jebao r4.
Trying to hold off on purchasing anything else until fragfest in Brantford


Website Doctor
Staff member
Website Admin
Jun 9, 2014
I'm also fighting with my DIY kit I have corrosion on two LEDs and it shorted out my power box I need a fuse plié replace two bulbs
I just jumpered around an led when that happened to me... but going on 5 years with my diy leds and only a couple minor things... still quite happy :)


Apr 9, 2015
I got issues with my DIY Led setup. And my apex has lost comms with the network in the house so i need to figure that out, or else my apex is a glorified heat controller. :)

I have three led drivers running 32 leds each.. one fo them is slowly dimming down to minimum with out being told to do so.
Looks like I am going to have to buy another driver cause my tank end ups yellow on one side and normal on the other :)

When I built my bar i set my router on a shelf in a cabinet... i think it interferes with the apex connection, or else the wireless adapter i have on the apex is pooched.

I have a ton of green and orange and purple monticap that i have to purge as its overgrowing the rest of the area... 15+ inches around etc. Any interest :)
I'm interested in the monti's. When you're ready let me know and I'll drive up.How much do you want for it/them?


Feb 18, 2015
Cambridge Ontario
Well....a lot has happened in my tank in last month and a half...Fish loss being the worst. About a month ago i added a Yellow Tang, which as advised was the last fish to be added. All was fine for about two weeks and then I found my Royal Gramma dead, a few days later one of my Banggai Cardinals. At first I thought it was maybe ich or something else, but I started noticing the yellow was periodically chasing my Flame Angel and also my Tomini Tang. Should have taken the little bugger out at that point.
about 3 days later my Angel was on the bottom and my Tomini looked bad. ( foggy eyes and what looked like ich) I am guessing the stress of being chased around brought it on. I tried to treat the Tomini but it was too late. Died the following day.
Anyways, the Yellow Tang has since been removed and I am now working on having a peaceful tank...NO Tangs allowed.
I have left, one Bangai Cardinal, a pair of Clownfish, one Fairy Wrasse, a baby Foxface ( from same place Steve got his)
yellow watchman goby and pistol shrimp. Still looking for another Royal Gramma, and hope to add some reef chromis.
Thats about it..Succesfully fragging mushrooms and havin fun with that.!
Added a 48 inch actinic blue LED strip which goes on in the evening. Corals look fabulous under it!
Still enjoying this wonderfull hobby even though there have been some frustrating moments..I really liked that Tomini Tang and he was one of the first fish I purchased, never bothered any of the other fish.....