Let's Talk People!!!


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
Added my back jebao RW-20 to the tank to kick up the flow, was starting to get a build up of nastiness on the water surface. It is now gone and my corals look pretty happy. Currently running 2 RW-20s, Mp40, and a wp-25. Lotss of flow now.


Active Member
Jan 2, 2014
Port Rowan, Ontario
I have ( i should say my wife has added to MY tank ) a picasso trigger. He is doing great and plays nice with all his tankmates.
......thanks Heath!


Apr 26, 2014
Brantford, Ontario
Some good story's here people keep them coming have an up date on the Harlequin shrimp he has tons of star fish to pick from but tonight decided he wanted to eat my sand sifter lol the only one I paid for and he eats it...... Sorry it took so long to reply I am really busy with the up coming show it's getting crazy lol BUT it's worth it for all of us!!!!!! Question..... I have a large elegance Coral that has detached himself from his skeleton about four weeks ago..... He started floating around so I took him out and put him in the sump. now I understand it is supposed to die but it has been three weeks and two days and it is still alive and well just does not have a skeleton...... What should I do?


Distinguished Member
Oct 2, 2012
Woodstock, Ontario
years ago I had one do that, what I was told was to put him in a container with some fine rubble, he didn't grow another skeleton but it stopped him from floating around and he lasted another 6 to 8 weeks...


Distinguished Member
Mar 17, 2015
Thanks everyone for the likes, the items I picked up a sea u marine were very nice. The sun coral still refuses to open. I have in shade and low flow. I have been target feeding or trying. I chum the water get a little action then chum again all with flow off. I will need to do the container trick soon. Sea u marine is not a flashy store or even a really large store. But wow they have some nice stock and great prices.

Corals that I've never saw before and huge sizes. Tanks full of healthy fish and some I haven't saw or not in those numbers. They had Six baby cow fish, also a tank of hippo tangs maybe 20 of them.

Long drive a once or twice a year trip.


Distinguished Member
May 4, 2014
Cambridge, Ontario
well my baby foxface had been missing a bit over a week so i went to la and bought 2 baby foxface this time if something happens to them im grabbing a #12 hook with a mysid shrimp and hauling those damn damsels out lol.

also got me a beautiful flame bubble tip nem from phil (100gallon) and its settled in good. The tips were starting to bubble the other night but this is him the day after i got it and again yesterday morning.

Now i have never seen a nem split but i think it starts something like this lol


Distinguished Member
Oct 2, 2012
Woodstock, Ontario
you lucky buggar, I got mine from Nate and his were splitting like crazy and mine is doing nothing.. how do you tell when they are getting ready to split.. do they grow another mouth..mine does kind of look like yours..


Distinguished Member
May 4, 2014
Cambridge, Ontario
you lucky buggar, I got mine from Nate and his were splitting like crazy and mine is doing nothing.. how do you tell when they are getting ready to split.. do they grow another mouth..mine does kind of look like yours..

he has almost doubled size and it looks like he is trying to rip himself apart pulling on the rocks. and his mouth moved from the middle to one side


Distinguished Member
May 4, 2014
Cambridge, Ontario
Added 5 Green Reef Chromis yesterday and they sure encourage the other fish to stay in the open. My baby Foxface seems to like to school with them ! LOL!
Everyone is happy so far.
mine swims with them as well but then again they are both schooling fish.... sometes even my clown joins in.... i think their forming a gang lol : D


New Member
Apr 5, 2015
About 5 months ago I bought a Yellow Watchman Goby, Pistol Shrimp pair from my LFS.

After getting them out of quarantine and into my BioCub 29, the goby disappeared and wasn't seen over that 5 months period. I have my tank in my home office, so I spent 5-9 hours a day looking at the tank (maybe 1 hour actually working) and would see the Pistol shrimp lumbering around doing pistol shrimp stuff, but no goby. I figured he was clean up crew food.

At the LFS last week, I saw a nice blue spotted watchman goby, and picked him up. Put him in QT, get him in the tank yesterday. Today, the Blue Spot is chilling outside of a hole, when my long missing Yellow Goby pops out and looks at me, and then scurries back into his hole.

Freaking lazarous fish right there.

reef keeper

Super Active Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hamilton, Ontario
After my epic nuke of my fishes, I cleaned up my tank (almost done the cabinet &$@) and did some massive water changes.

All I had in there was my blond naso, yellow wrasse and mag foxface. I went in to big als in Hamilton, and LO AND BEHOLD. A little baby Niger trigger. I had to have him for 25 bucks lol. Then I saw the baby emperor. Had to have him. And then I saw him. HANNIBAL. THE TUSK FISH. his tail and fins were. Bit ripped up from a puffer war, but he is doing great in my tank now. Finally found a fish to eat those freakin krill I bought.

Corals are growing well, water Params are stable, and I'm only having to clean the glass once a week.

That tiny bag of chaeto I got from Eric has now completely filled my Fuge. Time to cut it back lol.