I did a really good cleaning on my tank today and cleaned all of the fake plants well (I don't have a clean up crew in there yet). While doing that I removed all of the dwarfs and vacuumed the brine shrimp egg shells that I just can't seem to get separated fully from my hatch. I also took the opportunity to do a proper count of my dwarfs.
When I first started I had 100 adults and 7 babies born in transit. Since then I have had many babies and have lost quite a few adults and sold some as well. I wasn't sure how many I had left because they are so difficult to count in the 20 gallon tank. I have a record of births and deaths saved on my computer but didn't start it right away so wasn't very sure how many I had in total because I lost track. Now that record can be continued with accurate totals.
It is now official that I have 95 dwarf seahorses in my main tank. At least two of the males look pregnant. I also have 14 babies in a small tank and they are doing well. My goal is to get to 150 dwarfs before I sell any again so I am well on my way.
The seahorses originally arrived on August 7th so I have now had them for 7 months and have slightly more than I started with. I think that is great so far and am looking forward to the next 7 months with them.
Since I did such a thorough cleaning I added some bacteria culture just in case I disturbed too much. I will be testing the water carefully over the next few days and have the Prime ready just in case I need it. For clean up crew I plan on getting some Cerith and Nerite snails and some mysid shrimp if I can find some (I looked into Mysids once before when I was first researching and couldn't find any). I found my Nassarius snail while cleaning so I'm glad he has made it. I would also like to get some Sexy shrimp.
One of my little girls
One of my little boys.
The little dots are the brine shrimp. I have also found some copepods on the glass but the dwarfs seem to be ignoring them.