Hi From Dunnville


Reef Scavenger


Active Member
Thanks. I am not sure yet about the size. I have my 135 with my foam/rock wall I will probably have to reuse if I can't sell it. LOL but if I can convince the wife I would like to get somewhere around 200to 300 gallons


Hey was it you that I bought that monster Toadstool from or was that your brother. Anyway it contributed to a Massive crash shortly after ward but that was definitely my fault for buying it. You're right. It is better here and growing sooooo fast. Get to know the guys, they are the best.


I put it in my 90, in the corner and it looked great for about 2 weeks, then it just melted away. pretty gross, slimey and the tank crashed shortly after that. I had also came into a bunch of Corals from a friends tank. He shut his down and gave me everything and they all died with the crash, Shortly after that the friend wanted some cash for everything. It wasn't a good time.I did finally settle with him. Hey he was and still is a good friend, just a misunderstanding. Another lesson learned.


not your Fault. It was a really nice specimen. I should be the one to say sorry, you know in hind sight when I look back at that system, I bought old washed sand from a store that was saturated with PO4 and I had never tested for it up until then. So I learned a lot of lessons with that tank. Nice to see you here, the more knowledge on the board, the better off we will all be, take care Cliff


Distinguished Member
just catching up on some threads that I missed, not sue how I missed you but WELCOME ABOARD.


Aquariums by Design
Love this zero edge tank! If you ever want to sell it, let me know ;)

Tank and it's inhabitants are looking good! Everyone seems happy

Sent from my Z30 using Tapatalk


Like the tank very sharp.
What kind of lighting? Is it drilled? How long has it been running?
oh and welcome aboard


Active Member
Thanks guys the tank is doing very well so I'm happy with that. Eric the tank may be for sale this summer ;) I am going to be building a big fish room and setting up my large tank again.
Saltyair. The tank is not drilled it overflows down the sides and gets collected in the trough around the bottom of the tank. It's a pretty cool effect it looks like it is a moving cube of water


Active Member
Evap is high. Noise is nothing. Stock the drains are noisy. But I have adapted the drains to b bean animal style. So now they r silent. All the sump is behind the wall so in the rec room the tank is perfectly silent


Very interesting, Does it flow evenly on all sides and what about salt staining the sides, I love it, so cool.how big is the tank?


Active Member
Haha yes it is lol It is perfectly even overflow it's a bit tricky when you set it up. It has to be perfectly level. I have two mach4 running as return pumps; that gives me enough return flow that it flows over all sides even. It is a 40 gallon tank. I have a 40 gallon sump and 40 gallon tank in the room behind for equipment. Salt splash can be an issue. The wall behind the tank over the years has started to peel the paint. That's why I put the mirror there it gives us sort of cool effect.