some pics from around my tank.


Super Active Member
Looking good!  Just wait until this time next year, you will have a nice, full tank and will look back on these pictures with pride that you have set up well in the beginning.


Reef Scavenger
been shopping around looking at the different pics here, looking for something decent yet affordable,yours take a ice pic


Super Active Member
Im happh wit it. The d80 is a little older one now. They haved newer models. But i have always liked nikon.
Canon is a good choice too. I know people with canon's that are very happy wit them.
Alot of choices. But you know, they probably all take good pics.
Mine has alot of toys, i dont even use, and probably never will.


Reef Scavenger
it is older? didnt know,canons are real nice but that kind of nice isn't cheap,they say you get what you pay for but i can be happy with something a little less expensive


Super Active Member
new tank is starting too come along. New lights. ignore the wood stands for the lights. Its a work in progress...LOL
The lights are a little too white , going too change some bulbs shortly.
The light is actually way brighter and whiter in person.


Super Active Member
I may do a predator tank some day. But i realized my 60 was too small for what we wanted too do.
I may someday set up a bigger tank in the dinning room with sump. Then do a pedator tank with it.
I want to do a sump if i do a predator tank, because of how dirty it can be.
Probably a 150 or bigger.
