The Wall


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2012
SW Ontario
There was talk of one for us Canadian terrorists too. You know how we sneak across the border with our toques and plaid jackets on, in July, and make fun of their beer. Emotional suffering is a form of terrorism I guess.
"Hey Hoser. How's it goin' Eh? I'll take two two-fours, cause you only put 1/2 a beer in each Eh." HeHeHe.

I laugh at politics. If you really look hard at ALL politicians, they all act like spoiled little kids who need a spank, and be sent to bed. I've said it before, "If I ran my company like the government runs the country, I'd be in jail". Goes for all of north America.

Apparently I started stirring a bigger pot than I can handle. Lets all have a Frag fest and smoke the pot.... Just like a FRAG Olympics...

ive always said this, there should be a detailed testing and examination process for one to be even a candidate for president or prime minister.
ie: can you balance your own personal budget? what is your previous experience that is relevant to this job (trudope already would have failed after those questions haha)