Flazky's 166g Rectangle =.=


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Mar 7, 2013
Vaughan, Ontario
Hayes link said:
Great pics, nice work.
I like the dimensions of your tank and would like to know how you make out with the overflow you have, I think if I was to do this again I would do it the same. SHould make for crystal clear water

Heyo, my overflow is the same as the bean animal model except my pipes run straight down. Its pretty good but I have to put a piece of foam to dampen the noise from the waterfall. Its pretty quiet now.


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Mar 7, 2013
Vaughan, Ontario
Just a new zoa I got. Anybody know its name? It really pops under moonlights!



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Mar 7, 2013
Vaughan, Ontario
Just a small update. Picked up a lot of frags since my last photoshoot and some fish.

- Blonde Naso
- 4 Lyretail Anthias
- Some more designer clownfish

My apex also went on the fritz after installing my second EB8 power bar. My temperature and PH spikes to 120/12.5 for a few seconds and drops bacck down triggering all my failsafes and screws up my light timers etc.... Spoke with neptune and I had to get another controller. It just arrived today and everything is back to normal. Unfortunately, the controller wasnt free =( Oh wells.

I will post another full tank shot soon. Everything was lightstressed for awhile now but things are regaining colour and growing well. Hope for smooth sailing from now on  ;D

Darryl_V link said:
I dont know but your macros are insane.
I should start a reef photography business selling large prints of zoas to hang on the wall. Pretty smexxy  ;D
You should see the raw edited file. Forums only allow jpegs =(


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Mar 7, 2013
Vaughan, Ontario
Well just a small update.

I have been working on a huge fishroom that will soon be stocked with some designer clownfish. As for my DT, ive been battling cyano for the past week and it is driving me nuts. Making large water changes, replaced gfo, lowered photoperiod etc..... guess ill just have to tough it out and wait, but its getting all over my corals and they dont look so hot.  :'( Turkey basting 3 times a day sucks!

Also, I got another powder blue, and it decided to ich on me AGAIN. Just lost a naso, 4 lyretails and picasso clowns  :? :? :? :?

I am going to try and catch all the remaining fish and have a fishless tank for a 2 months (just to be safe). All fish will be moved to QT and will be either copper treating or hypo depending on which I decide to do.

Ah well.


Super Active Member
Oct 5, 2012
Woodstock, Ontario
ich sucks, I know many don't like to use copper, but I found that cupramine worked well in a treatment tank for my issue. I tried ich x but it didn't work well at all for me. The cupramine worked and I could see an improvement in how the fish acted after the first treatment. Fish only, not safe with invertebrates.
I've started adding garlic to the food, I've been told that a tank in a restaurant with one wall facing the kitchen had recurring ich and the garlic added to either the food or into the tank has prevented it from returning.  The product they used is kent marine garlic xtreme it can be used as a food soak or dropped directly into the tank.  I know others use garlic from the grocery store, but thought I'd give this a try.


Super Active Member
Jun 29, 2011
Woodstock, Ontario
Dont expect to ever rid your tank or fish of ick...its next to impossible.  Sounds like there might be an underlying reason for the ick.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2012
SW Ontario
Darryl_V link said:
Dont expect to ever rid your tank or fish of ick...its next to impossible.  Sounds like there might be an underlying reason for the ick.

Ick is always present in every system. It's just the fish constantly fight it off, which is easily done if they are healthy, but when something else happens to make them stressed, there immune system lowers and they can no longer fight it off.


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Mar 7, 2013
Vaughan, Ontario
2 month Fishless cycle should starve them out. All other fish will be copper treated, and qt'd before adding. The only way that ich can get back in is if I add corals. The corals will be in a fishless qt tank for a month before addition as well. I will see if it works. Also, garlic I dont think does much if anything for fighting ich, however I will be adding some immune boosters their diet.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2012
SW Ontario
Flazky link said:
2 month Fishless cycle should starve them out. All other fish will be copper treated, and qt'd before adding. The only way that ich can get back in is if I add corals. The corals will be in a fishless qt tank for a month before addition as well. I will see if it works. Also, garlic I dont think does much if anything for fighting ich, however I will be adding some immune boosters their diet.

Garlic makes food more enticing which in turn keeps the fishes strength up and helps his immune system. It doesn't actually do anything to fight the ich, but is part of a process to get the fish to eat, which helps in the long run.

If I have a fish with ich, and he's eating, I typically do nothing. As it will fight it off on it's own.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2012
SW Ontario
Flazky link said:
Yup. I know garlic helps them eat but my fish were eating lots and stilled got ich. Might be due to bullying but it didnt seem like it. Ah well.

Ya that's to bad :(
Sucks to lose fish, hope you can fix the problem whatever it may be.


Super Active Member
Dec 20, 2011
Strathroy, Ontario
I believe the garlic works I use garlic guard and garlic from the store and the fish love it that the first thing I do when adding fish is add garlic to the food and knock on wood never had a problem even on my 90 gal I had O0

Samsung s3


Website Affiliate
Mar 7, 2013
Vaughan, Ontario
monizb link said:
I believe the garlic works I use garlic guard and garlic from the store and the fish love it that the first thing I do when adding fish is add garlic to the food and knock on wood never had a problem even on my 90 gal I had O0

Samsung s3

Do you have a powder blue?


New Member
Jan 3, 2013
Very very very nice tank!
What is the name of that green coral you have a pic of with a clown near it? I've never seen that before


If I have a fish with ich, and he's eating, I typically do nothing. As it will fight it off on it's own.

That is exactly what I do. Dont want to destroy a whole tank to catch fishes and place them in QT tank. making them even more stress.


Super Active Member
Jan 12, 2012
Thorndale, Ontario
Awesome Acans!  8)

My Powder Blue started having Ich/Ich-like issues and I eventually narrowed it down to a reaction (Fish Hives??) to some Pro-Salt frozen food I had been trying out.  Specifically the ones with gelatin in them.  Reaction to the food irritates the skin...secondary infection moves in.  Not to be cruel...but I tried three times, same reaction each time weeks apart.  Sohal eats the same food no problem but he's as tough as they come.

+1 to "if they're eating let them ride it out"