To New Beginnings :)


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Sep 20, 2011
fish are in so i would get that skimmer on, lights on too.


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Sep 20, 2011
Marz link said:
Thanks...will do...skimmer was only off as Dr. Tim's says to keep it off for 24-48 hours

ah i see.. thats tough, i would turn it on myself but others might not... lol


Active Member
Feb 9, 2014
Orangeville, Ontario
Ok, so I am confused. I am using the API, so can someone suggest better testers that I can get either from Burlington all the way to Vaughan.  I am also looking for any suggestions, etc based on my stats below.

The fish are doing fine, eating well, great little characters these guys.

I have been measuring my tank for the last 5 days. I added Dr. Tim's on Sunday, left lights off until Tuesday, skimmer off until Wednesday. Temp and PH probe used. The rest I don't trust. Here's what I have:


Temp: 78.6 (Fluctuates between 78.4 & 78.9) - probe
Salinity: 1.026 (refractometer)
CA²: 460 (been the same for 5 days)
KH: 7° (was at 10° for the last 4 days - should I do a water change?)
P0₄³: can't get a reading...not white though
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Ammonia: .25 - .50  (FW test kit)
PH: 7.94 (Probe)

Cheers, and 3 more weeks to fragfest!!!


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Mar 15, 2012
St Thomas
I would stop into coral reef shop in Burlington and get some salifert kits.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Sep 20, 2011
in the long run depending on your direction you want to go, you should be good with just nitrate phosphate calcium alkalinity magnesium as those are all that matter, PH isnt as important because its one of those numbers that you shouldn't chase but can be helpful with diagnosing problems.

the red sea pro kit is what i use for cal alk mag and they make a nitrate and phosphate kit too, all well priced. salifert are top quality too.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2014
Orangeville, Ontario
Just thought I would give a little weekend update as this week has been nuts with work. Fish seem to be doing fine. Picked up the salifert test for ammonia and phosphates, and seachem for nitrites & nitrates, so I am feeling a little better about my test results. I am looking forward to getting my wp10 so that I can control the flow. Skimmer is working well and collecting gunk. Sundays will be my tank cleanup and WC.

So I thought I would show pictures of the tank as well as the little guys. They are much more comfortable and getting used to my wife feeding them. Will be going out and getting some of the pellets since we have only been feeding flakes...any suggestions on the food type? TBH I haven't checked online yet for the type of food that is preferable.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2012
SW Ontario
good looking little clowns!
black ice by the looks of it?

i feed NLS (new life spectrum) pellets all the time, for all my fish,

i also supplement with marine flakes.

with this diet my fish are healthy and have great colours!


Active Member
Feb 9, 2014
Orangeville, Ontario
Yeah, it is pretty great thing is other than testing, the family is very involved. The tank is actually located in a corner of our kitchen so they get a lot of attention from the kids.

Thanks for all the comments!

Poseidon - which NLS spectrum in particular. It looks like there is quite a bit. I am going to take the kids to pick this up today, and I think Big Al's might carry it.


Distinguished Member
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Mar 15, 2012
St Thomas
Marz link said:
Yeah, it is pretty great thing is other than testing, the family is very involved. The tank is actually located in a corner of our kitchen so they get a lot of attention from the kids.

Thanks for all the comments!

Poseidon - which NLS spectrum in particular. It looks like there is quite a bit. I am going to take the kids to pick this up today, and I think Big Al's might carry it.

I recommend 1mm sinking, getting one with garlic is always nice for getting finicky fish to eat.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2014
Orangeville, Ontario
Picked up the food. Thanks everyone.
Quick question, ammonia is at 0. Nitrites have stared and no nitrates yet (will test again tonight), KH has dropped to 7 or 123.5, should I do a 10% water change leaving the substrate alone for now?

Oh and skimmer is picking up some brown gunk.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2014
Orangeville, Ontario
I have a question, my tank has been showing nitrites for the last few days (0.1) and I have yet to see nitrates. Would running the skimmer cause this or is it just a slow cycle? (maybe a dumb question, but I thought WTH, why not ask).