Reefer's 75g reef.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
Well i found the powder blue dead this morning. :( he was really covered in ich yesterday but was eating twice a day and getting fat. Now that a few other fish have it now the yellow tang being the worst who is getting kinda pale blotches... ughh ihope this isnt the end for all my fish..

Reef Hero

Super Active Member
May 27, 2012
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully your YT recovers. Since being in this hobby I have heard that the powder tangs can really be a nightmare....which is a shame because they are beautiful. Just a week ago actually I heard one hobbyist trying to talk another out of buying a powder blue at a fish/coral store unless they planned on quarantining the fish for a few weeks first. The powder tang was a new arrival at the store and although some Lfs will keep the fish for you and quarantine them, others will not. Either way, I think it is vital for any hobbyist to realize the risk involved when buying non quarantined fish.... Especially when some of those beauties out there can impose a much greater risk than others.....another thing to note is that rarer unseen fish are that way for a reason especially when there price tag is not unusually high..... Just a tip for beginners.... Take note of I.e. Powder tangs, CBBs, etc kinda fit this profile....

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Active Member
Feb 9, 2014
Orangeville, Ontario
That's actually great information as I am one of those "beginners"
Reefkeeper420 I am sorry to hear this...and hope things get turned around for you.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
Right now the 46 is a frshwater tank.. i have 29gal in the basement. And im more concerned for myregal angel since he cost me so much in the first place and have had him for a good 6months. Its my own fault, but this really sucks. Especially when theyre all eating like pigs. Hopefully it was just a bullying issue between the two tangs and the blotched rabbit, cuz i did notice a cpl terrritorial issues with them. Yeah thats my second and probably last PBT.


Oct 11, 2011
Wingham Ontario
I know it's easy to say now but I have a tendancy to stay away from fish that are ify.I've never ran a quarantine tank so it's easier just to not take chances.


Apr 9, 2014
Barrie, Ontario
It is a shame about the powder blue, I've seen yellow tangs develop ich after moving their favorite rock around and a sailfin tang do the same in another tank. The powder blue is a fish that I am contemplating adding to my new tank provided I run a UV system at least 4 hours a day to help keep the microbe population down.


Super Active Member
Oct 5, 2012
Woodstock, Ontario
Cupramine will cure it if you set up a quarantine tank and can quarantine all fish and treat it.  I know many don't like to use chemicals, but it works - at times a necessary evil. Good luck with it ! Hope they recover for you


Oct 11, 2011
Wingham Ontario
Yes you're right most of the exceptional fish are Iffy. I tend to think of my tank as a Coral tank first and a Fish tank second. But I really like your Regal Angel, now hes exceptional.


Super Active Member
Jan 12, 2012
Thorndale, Ontario
sunnykita link said:
Cupramine will cure it if you set up a quarantine tank and can quarantine all fish and treat it.  I know many don't like to use chemicals, but it works - at times a necessary evil. Good luck with it ! Hope they recover for you

Copper works but is a metabolic poison that affects the fishes growth and eventual lifespan.  Better than death obviously, but save it for problems that cannot be solved quickly and easily through hyposalinity.  Once you have a fish in a QT tank it's an easy no brainer no cost solution.

The only challenge is getting them out of the DT, but same goes for copper.


Super Active Member
Oct 5, 2012
Woodstock, Ontario
AdInfinitum link said:
[quote author=sunnykita link=topic=8371.msg92542#msg92542 date=1399218515]
Cupramine will cure it if you set up a quarantine tank and can quarantine all fish and treat it.  I know many don't like to use chemicals, but it works - at times a necessary evil. Good luck with it ! Hope they recover for you

Copper works but is a metabolic poison that affects the fishes growth and eventual lifespan.  Better than death obviously, but save it for problems that cannot be solved quickly and easily through hyposalinity.  Once you have a fish in a QT tank it's an easy no brainer no cost solution.

The only challenge is getting them out of the DT, but same goes for copper.

true enough, I hope not to have to deal with ich again, this time around when I brought the tang home and it showed signs of stress and a few ich spots I soaked the food in garlic and sure enough he was fine, all spots gone within a couple of weeks and nothing further.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
Yeah i love the light so far, just have a little problem with the two outside fans unfortunately..hopefully an easy fix. And yeah that light hanger is a 10min  hanger lol. As long as u have the supplies. 2 2×2s 6ft wooden dowel, and 8 metal shelf L's, haha its pretty ghetto but does the trick, just needs to be trimmed up so theres not all the excess wood and stain it or something.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
Well had an interesting afternoon..look into my tank and my regal angel looks like complete cr@p, so i manage to scoop em easily when he came out to "try" and eat, had a QT tank quickly filled up and started drip acclimation, mind you i had to leave for work in a half hour. Fun fun. So i started that running back and forth mixing new water quickly for my DT since some of my sps wrre now exposed to the air, tryin to find a filter for the QT then i found one that of course was fried. Next option was in the cupboard right behind my QT at the time. So i start movin the tabk over a bit(5-10g) all of a sudden CRACK!!! Right down the side.. uggghhh so i start running even more tryin to find another tank, by this time im alteady 15mins late for leaving for work, so i had to stick him in a 3 g moon for now.. salinity is at 1.010.. and so far hes looking better. He better after all that cr@P today lol.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
Yeah im really hoping too. Yeah ive got too much lying aroubd ahah..and not even all here i still have a tank or two at my grandparents in their barn lol. But ur right does pay to have stuff lying around.