reeffreaks 75 SPS Dominant build


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Feb 17, 2011
London, Ontario
reeffreak link said:
Well I picked up a mate for the Picasso yesterday but unfortunately he didn't stay alive long enough for a picture. I have not a clue what happened, placed in the same home as the previous 3 and there all alive and eating great but this guy didn't take from the second he was acclimated. Man I'm bummed out, he was my birthday present also. How to I break this to the fiancé ..
it certainty does suck and we will work it out.


Now that the tank has cycled and I added the pair of black ice it is now time to think about what other fish I may add in the future. I am definetly looking at some schooling types of fish, chromis are out of the question  I went that route before and added 5, I ended up with 1 and he killed the rest of them.

I was thinking a male dispar anthias and a few females but beside that I have not a clue what else I may add , Ive been into clownfish so much the last bit I havent really thought of any other types to bring home and I havent had a tank this size to stock in awhile either so that doesnt help. Any suggestions ? Maybe some things will pop up that I have not considered. 

Salty Cracker

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Mar 10, 2012
Rocky Mountains BC
those black and white striped fellas work in schools don't they?  And I think yellow tangs can be either in schools or individuals.  I do agree about chromis, always the same thing "there can be only one!!"


Bangaii cardinal salty ? There pretty cool not sure how many can be kept together .


Super Active Member
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Sep 2, 2012
I would look at...
Red Cardinals (these are a bit smaller then the other Cardinals and they do school), and for Anthias maybe the Lyretails?...seem to be easier then Dispar's or Bartletts...IME


Decisions decisions , those red cardinals are pretty cool looking . I just did a bit of reading and most " schooling" or schoaling fish do t really stay together in a reef tank setting I may just looking into 2 anthias one of the 2 you mentioned big show


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Feb 17, 2011
London, Ontario
The Bicolour Anthias are nice too. We just got some in last night. I am not sure if you saw the lyretail ones last time you were at the store but we had some nice males.  I usually just get the females as the dominant one usually changes sex.  I should have some females again near the end of this month.


I think I remember taking a glance at them but not positive it was them , I was in excited about the clowns, do you still have the males in Aaron ?


Do you have pictures of the bicolor you have in and do you have  have both male and female bicolors ? I guess the bicolors are suited for smaller tanks and the others are best suited for 125 and up.


Super Active Member
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Feb 17, 2011
London, Ontario


If there still there when I come down down for the clown I will check them out for sure, what's the pricing on them ?


I replaced all the bulbs in my ati fixture today ... Well almost all the bulbs, I ran into a little issue when I was replacing them apparently 2 of the bulbs out of the 8 I bought don't work I moved them into every single socket in the fixture and in each spot that pair wouldn't work.

At first I thought it was the fixture but then I grabbed 2 of the old bulbs and put them in plugged in the fixture and wala I had all 8 lights working, so again I took out the 2 old bulbs put the 2 new ones in and again plugged it in again and nothing. So I have 6 new. Ulna that work and 2 that don't. Has anyone ever bought new bulbs and they don't even work?

Salty Cracker

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Mar 10, 2012
Rocky Mountains BC
reeffreak link said:
I replaced all the bulbs in my ati fixture today ... Well almost all the bulbs, I ran into a little issue when I was replacing them apparently 2 of the bulbs out of the 8 I bought don't work I moved them into every single socket in the fixture and in each spot that pair wouldn't work.

At first I thought it was the fixture but then I grabbed 2 of the old bulbs and put them in plugged in the fixture and wala I had all 8 lights working, so again I took out the 2 old bulbs put the 2 new ones in and again plugged it in again and nothing. So I have 6 new. Ulna that work and 2 that don't. Has anyone ever bought new bulbs and they don't even work?

I bought 16 PCs once from china on ebay, 4 didn't work, 1 was crushed, the rest had terrible colour compared to coralife fixtures, so I never bought from china again.  Then I switched to LED and never looked back (look at me beating that dead horse) ;)


these are ati bulbs i really dont get why they wouldnt work ... they wont even attempt to fire , you know you can see a little orange flash within the bulb and these 3 dont even try and fire, kinda pissed now I have a crappy old yellow looking bulb and an old fiji purple that do not look good at all lol

Salty Cracker

Staff member
Website Admin
Mar 10, 2012
Rocky Mountains BC
reeffreak link said:
these are ati bulbs i really dont get why they wouldnt work ... they wont even attempt to fire , you know you can see a little orange flash within the bulb and these 3 dont even try and fire, kinda pissed now I have a crappy old yellow looking bulb and an old fiji purple that do not look good at all lol

Try leaving them running for a bit, and see if they finally kick in.  Or maybe there's a trick to jumpstarting them