Deeznutz HD 120 Long Rimless


Staff member
Website Admin
Keep in mind that change can stress them and make it worse. Like everything in this hobby, take it slow and steady. A quick or too many changes will make everything even worse. All my tangs have had ich at some point. All of which made it through fine without hypo or anything else, just food and a little extra garlic. Maybe a lullaby or 2 to keep them calm.


Keep in mind that change can stress them and make it worse. Like everything in this hobby, take it slow and steady. A quick or too many changes will make everything even worse. All my tangs have had ich at some point. All of which made it through fine without hypo or anything else, just food and a little extra garlic. Maybe a lullaby or 2 to keep them calm.

Oh for sure, I'm well aware of the stress factor. But water changes have to be performed.
I checked on him last night and he seems to be be acting normally. Still covered in ich.
I hope tonight, he'll be looking better. He's not eating as aggressively as the first few weeks, but
I think he should have enough energy from the 2 weeks prior to the outbreak.

Good luck man!!

I'm going to need it!


Yup the ich got to him last week :( Oh well, I tried. On a good note, I have a Blonde Naso and PBT tang in Q t right now. Looks promising. Should be good to go soon. No signs of ich.


Kevin Tran

Super Active Member
You been quiet lately so I kinda guess it and oh well is rigbt:(.

I am in the same situation with ich on the archilles, it doesn't eat pallet or mysis. However is eating Seaweed so I am feeding it as much Seaweed as I have time to do so. Seaweed soak in garlic guard to do the trick:rolleyes:


And here are some quick shots from tonight.

My new Naso
IMG_3998 by deeznutz398, on Flickr
IMG_3996 by deeznutz398, on Flickr

Ultimate bonsai

IMG_4045 by deeznutz398, on Flickr

IMG_4043 by deeznutz398, on Flickr''

Not sure what this is, but it's one of my faves

IMG_4021 by deeznutz398, on Flickr

Deenutz Banana Strawberry Cyphastrea
It's very berry red and its been showing a lot of yellow as well.
I've had this coral for about 5 years now, it has always grown and then die back. The last time it developed yellow it completely bleached out. It has now regained it's reds and the yellow is coming back. I hope it doesn't bleach out again and starts to carry the yellow gene :) I can't get pics of the yellow unfortunately :(
IMG_4020 by deeznutz398, on Flickr


IMG_4019 by deeznutz398, on Flickr


IMG_4016 by deeznutz398, on Flickr

Unknown, but it's got potential

IMG_4015 by deeznutz398, on Flickr

Forgot the species but it's all purple with green polyps, don't mind the flash.

IMG_4013 by deeznutz398, on Flickr

Tri colour

IMG_4012 by deeznutz398, on Flickr

Tiny Orange passion

IMG_4011 by deeznutz398, on Flickr

More to come :)


Super Active Member
Nice pics...


Looks a lot like a tyree pink lemonade. In some lower light/more nutrient dense tanks they can get quite green like this....coralite, polyp and growth structure look like a tyree pink lemonade as well. One of my old favs and had quite a colony back in the day.