Nevek's 120 Shallow Reef Build


New Member
Sep 26, 2016
Orangeville, Ont
Hey guys, I am new to this forum but I thought I would share the process.
First and foremost this will be a slow build as its being incorporated into basement reno's which I am doing myself.

I currently have a 125g 72"x18"x24" its a sump less set up running with a SWC HOB skimmer and a small undersized fluval canister filter with carbon and just live rock.

about 100lbs of live rock, LPS heavy

Yellow Tang
Mag Foxface
2 Percula Clowns
1 Onyx clown
6 line wrasse
scooter blenny
Orange spot goby
Skunk Cleaner
Coral Banded
Fighting Conch
2 flame tip bubble nems

Purple tip green frogspawn
green tip hammer
all green hammer
purple anchor
cup coral - green
green/pink acan
purple pink acan
Various Zoas
2 large toadstools
various duncans large and small
Colt coral
Finger leather
red w/purple spot mushrooms
some mushroom I got very cheap cause the store ripped it taking it out of the tank
2 species of lrg hairy mushroom
I'm probably missing get the jist

Anyway you may have seen a post me selling everything, and that was the case, instead we decided go ahead and upgrade. I was never really happy not having a sump. Anyway I am incorporating it into the basement renos (yes I get my own fish room!!)

I'll let you all come along for the ride if you want

upgrading to a 60"x30"x12" (slightly less gallons) frag tank
So I will set up a shallow reef tank.
60 g Sump with a Vertex IN280 in sump skimmer
Return is a Jabao DC7000
for now I'm running a 6' Current USA T5/MH light, Looking for something similar at 5' over the next while.

Sorry there are no pictures right now. when I get home I'll take pics of the tank getting cleaned (and leak testing as its bought used)
Skimmer is in a bath of vinegar and water running to clean it up a little.

Be patient this will be a slow build thread. Looking forward to any advise of tips you have or wish to impart.



Oct 10, 2016
I know the feeeling nevek67. Had an empty tank for two years while trying to complete a basement Reno around it. On the bright side. I was able to cycle my tank for a good 8 months until I was ready to add livestock.

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New Member
Sep 26, 2016
Orangeville, Ont
It was not in the mail yesterday when i checked at 13:00 just my new pump. I'll check when i get home from work

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Distinguished Member
Jun 9, 2015
Welcome and sounds like a great tank ! , I've been sumpless for over 2 years now , how long have you been sumpless (off a canister ) for ?


New Member
Sep 26, 2016
Orangeville, Ont
Long story about my current set up. It was given to me 2 years ago running just a canister filter. The livestock was not what it is today. I keep up on wc every 2 weeks 25 gallons. Still never felt like it was set up quite right.

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New Member
Sep 26, 2016
Orangeville, Ont
As promised here are some pics

Here is the display, I love the dimensions however I do not like the aluminum trim that is on it. I'm not entirely sure why its there. also I the tank was fairly dirty when I went to see it and I did not realize how green the glass is. Obviously not deal breakers. I am doing this on a budget so.

You will notice around the corners I did spill some water which is showing under the tank now. Scared the piss out of me thinking it was leaking until I realized, then triple verified that was the case. this is killing 2 birds with one stone, vinegar and water cleaning/leak test. Will sit for a week or so like this just to be sure.

Here is my future refugium acting as a vinegar/water bath for the Vertex IN280. leaving that in for another day. it was not overly dirty but it does not hurt.

and last but not least the future home of the tank and fish room. won't be a large fish room by any means and won't be as technically advanced as some of you, but I will finally have one. also hiding the fuse box at the same time :) here you can also see the future sump 60g.
Who wants to come help add baffles lol

Advice required: You can see there is a drain on this tank already. I won't be using that, I will be adding overflows. But what do you guys think I should do?
I thought about adding 2 overflows with 1 inch drains that's 1200 gph at its best. I'm thinking that's not enough. Also I have to work around the hole that's already there. I was thinking it would be the return. I believe its 1"

Thanks for looking!


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New Member
Sep 26, 2016
Orangeville, Ont
Very quick rough sump/refugium plans

the refuge is 30 gallons
the sump is a 60 gallons hopefully once baffles are in place total water for sump will be 40g at any given time.

from this rough outline, I'll print and make pencil adjustments, measurements etc as I go.

still a long way to go until this point

any thoughts or ideas, I'm open to hear them.

Thanks for looking


New Member
Sep 26, 2016
Orangeville, Ont
Need some advise if I can. I have the current 1" hole. I am not sure what kind of overflow to install. The Pump I got is a Jebao DC7000 which pumps 1320 to 1850 GPH.

I'd like to install at least 1500 GPH Overflow. the problem is where. I do not know if the bottom of this tank is tempered, it has no sticker or stamp. Derek at miracles suggested 2 600GPH. In each corner but that means only 1 hole per each and I worry that if one gets clogged there is no safety. I'm waiting to hear back if he will drill the bottom then I can just do a simple herby set up.

The Stress. Please your advise/suggestions/experiences are welcome. Lets liven this thread up



New Member
Sep 26, 2016
Orangeville, Ont
After much research into the subject of overflows, I've decided to go with a Beananimal style overflow. I'll probably custom make an acrylic overflow myself! coast to coast along the 5' back panel, Keep the current hole for the return and have 3 x 1" holes drilled into the opposite side of the panel to fit the 3 stand pipes.
To be honest I don't want to spend $150 - $200 on an overflow, I'm estimating I'll make a 7" deep overflow box 2 sided, Teeth side and bottom with the other 3 sides being the tank itself. Research suggests this set up to be fairly safe and will accommodate the flow rate I want.

I'm also playing with the idea of putting the holes into one of the short ends, This I think will save me from buying some fittings and easier to plumb into the sump, I won't have to angle the pipes and what not. and have the return at the opposite end of the tank pushing water towards the overflow.

Actually now that I think about this it will be cheaper in acrylic, However the brace on the ends of the tank will make it difficult to plumb in and will require a thicker overflow.

the stress


Active Member
Dec 11, 2015
Attaching acrylic to glass is not a good idea, Silicone doesn't adhere to acrylic like it does to glass.Glass to glass is the best way to go or buy a pre-made overflow that attaches with bulk heads. I ordered the glass for my c2c and it was under $150.


New Member
Sep 26, 2016
Orangeville, Ont
If that's the case how do they adhere the overflows to bottom drilled tanks??...Every one I have seen has been siliconed. In fact I was looking at several of them at miracles on Friday.


Staff member
Website Admin
Nov 27, 2010
Blenheim, Ontario
If that's the case how do they adhere the overflows to bottom drilled tanks??...Every one I have seen has been siliconed. In fact I was looking at several of them at miracles on Friday.

You are correct. For internal overflows this works. I would not adhere an acrylic external overflow to a glass aquarium. With internal components, the water pressure in the tank will hold the acrylic to the glass and it will not pull away. Again, this is only done inside a tank. I have an internal overflow that is DIY acrylic and there are 2 holes in my glass tank that go to an external glass overflow where my plumbing is.

The reason that they say no to acrylic baffles siliconed in a glass tank is the pressure on one side if the acrylic will eventually bow the acrylic will separate from the silicone.


Staff member
Website Admin
Nov 27, 2010
Blenheim, Ontario
You definitely do not need that large of an overflow. Mine is 16"x6"x2" with 1-1/2" deep teeth and that is more then enough for my 120 with a Jebao DC12000 on 80% pushing through a 1" pipe. I can put it up to 100% and the overflow can still handle it. Also, a 5' piece of acrylic is going to be crazy expensive.

There are more pics on page 1 of my build thread.



Staff member
Website Admin
Nov 27, 2010
Blenheim, Ontario
That is what I thought and would be nice. Have you sources out 5' acrylic for it yet? All I meant is that it doesn't have to be 5'. You could get away with less the 2' and will save a lot in the cost of acrylic.

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New Member
Sep 26, 2016
Orangeville, Ont
I have sourced some acrylic it didn't seem tooooo expensive, but on hind sight a 5' overflow is overkill, I guess I just like the uniform look of it.