If you need anything let me know. I have 1/8" here.
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JT is the man! Always does the best work.
Build is looking good Tyler, nice attention to details.
I don"t understand you a enlarge trickle and full siphon from 1" to 1.5". It never increase the drain flow when the bulkhead is 1". It only make a overflow box tightly and does not any help a drain flow. if you worry about a drain flow. you should take 1.5" bulkhead for full siphon, and 1" bulkhead for trickle and emergency. If I didn't look wrong, I can't see your full siphon pipe fully under water line.
JT is the man! Always does the best work.
Build is looking good Tyler, nice attention to details.
Something like the 40 gallon mixing/settling tank Darryl used? Good idea. Looked like it would make water changes a breeze. Drain, fill, mix, reopen valve.Completed a full water test and had things rocking with my wave maker and Mp40s, so I think flow isn't going to be an issue at all.
I've been contemplating sump designs and a way to accommodate a separate chamber for water changes that can be incorporated into the full sump volume, then take it off line for draining and mixing NSW. Not sure if I should plumb a separate tank, or just make my sump larger. If it is a separate tank, I will need to identify a way to ensure it drains completely, maybe elevate and use gravity? Don't really want to use any additional pumps. I want to keep everything running from my main return through a manifold.
Something like the 40 gallon mixing/settling tank Darryl used? Good idea. Looked like it would make water changes a breeze. Drain, fill, mix, reopen valve.