Reefers 135g Sps Dominated Reef.


Super Active Member
Apr 15, 2013
London, Ontario
Or get one of those drain catcher things from the dollar store.

Also I have read that dry rock that is mined on land often does leach phosphates. Should be able to minimize it by giving the rock a thorough cleaning in the shower to remove any dead and dried out organisms.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
Ive read the same thing phil. Thats wht i was most worried about. But i also dont wanna spend more money on liverock, to potentially have a the same problem and have this stuff sitting around.


Super Active Member
Apr 15, 2013
London, Ontario
You'll probably be fine just giving it a few really good rinses. I think the main source of phosphates is from old worms and sponges and other stuff that grows on liverock which just died and dried up after the water receded and left the ancient reefs out in the air. Getting all that crap off should go a log ways. I can't imagine that rocks which were originally part of a reef would absorb many nutrients themselves, as reef water is generally very clean. Which is why I'm thinking it must be mainly the dead stuff ON the rock which is leaching.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
And i think its safe to say these RW 20s will NOT be going into my 75g..tested one and almost destroyed my whole tank lmao!! Sooo much much more than the vortech MP40, just as quiet but like a fifth of the price. Cant beat that!


Jun 23, 2012
Kitchener, ON
Hey I cooked all my dry live rock that I got from Fiji reef rock in Alberta
1st washed in bleach then sat cleaned with hose and let sit in water for 48 hours
2nd did a muriatic acid wash and then neutralized with baking soda following another wash with hose and let sit for 48 hours
Then I cooked in to water with a power head while adding small amount of lanthanum chloride then switching water out every few days with fresh r/o
Works like a charm I've actually had to take my gfo off line to try and get some phosphates


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
Sitting idle for now due to christmas lol. I have most things i need, just afew more pieces of plumbing i need, replace the filters and resin on my RODI system and then get things going.


Super Active Member
Oct 5, 2012
Woodstock, Ontario
Good to hear Riley, Christmas can play hell with the reef budget:eek: Have you had any luck with that fitting ? get it figured out? I'm going to have Adam take the sump to Sealife for me if he can, there's a crack in the plexi and I want to be sure that it doesn't give when it's set up ;) Gary knows about the crack in it, and said best to reinforce it before it's full of water again.