Reefers 135g Sps Dominated Reef.


Distinguished Member
May 15, 2013
Ingersoll, Ontario
Salted up the tank last night, gonna sit for a few days till i get back to it, i believe all i need to do the switch is a good tank heater. Any suggestions on local places tht carry good heaters for 135+ gall?


Distinguished Member
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Mar 15, 2012
St Thomas
Salted up the tank last night, gonna sit for a few days till i get back to it, i believe all i need to do the switch is a good tank heater. Any suggestions on local places tht carry good heaters for 135+ gall?

I would run more then 1 heater, of smaller wattages vs just one high wattage.

Works kinda like a fail safe. Your controller can turn off an outlet in the case of a stuck on heater, but it cannot fix a broken heater that isn't heating...the outlet will just stay on and your one heater will do nothing. Have more then 1 (even on same outlet(if you have to)) and you have a backup if one fails, on or off.

Something to think about. And yes I do have some brand new Ehiem jäger heaters in stock. I believe they are either 200 or 250w ea.

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